Specialty Home Improvement

We’re a boutique design/build remodel company. We work personally and closely with our clients from the initial design through completion to ensure every detail of their project meets their vision.
Before using Clear Estimates, how would you estimate, what did you use?
We used QuickBooks. There is no comparison. Clear Estimates is hands down more robust and offers just enough flexibility to meet our needs.
What was your biggest estimating pain point before using Clear Estimates?
Our biggest pain point was re-creating every estimate from scratch.

After using Clear Estimates, have you been able to measure improvements in estimates produced or time saved?
Absolutely. Using pre-arranged “Parts” and line items saves a lot of time.
What aspects of Clear Estimates make you most satisfied with your purchase?
Clear Estimates is robust, yet uncomplicated.
When using Clear Estimates, what function do you find most useful?
We enjoy the ability to easily adjust margins.

What aspect of the remodeling process do you enjoy the most?
Completing a project and having it look in real life very close to the initial design drawings is a great feeling.
Walk us through an example estimate, explaining how Clear Estimates is used.
We work our way through the entire design and specification phases with our clients and then produce an accurate, detailed budget proposal using Clear Estimates.
What does the Specialty Home Improvement team enjoy doing when not completing remodeling jobs?
Our ops manager is an avid animal lover with goats, donkeys, horses, etc. on her property. Our production manager is a competitive Stand Up Paddle Boarder. I’m a Divemaster and Master Scuba Diver.
Would you recommend Clear Estimates to a competitor or another contractor in the residential industry?
Yes. It will make their life easier.

“I enjoy helping people bring their dreams to life as well as improving their quality of life over-all by way of remodeling their homes”