Trusted by over 10,000+
happy customers
Plus over $17 Billion dollars in bids. From contractors to companies, we have a solution for everyone!
We’ve helped thousands of customers
Don’t just take our word for it, read what our clients have to say about Clear Estimates!
client gets the professional, accurate information they need to pull the trigger fast.
Whether you're trying to put together something onsite or back at the office, I've not found an easier product than Clear Estimates.
I've spent hours and hours pulling up multiple different websites to get various prices and even gotten to the point that I didn't send a couple estimates and lost business because I just didn't have the time to do them. That's no longer an issue. This is a MUST HAVE in the residential remodeling industry.
Perfect for any construction company.
My overall experience with Clear Estimates is great! If you're not using it then you should be!
Clear Estimates is extremely easy to navigate and is very customizable.
I love the fact that it prices the materials & labor for me. That takes the guess work out of it & that's a big weight lifted off my shoulders.
I am able to get estimates created in minutes instead of days
It has been extremely helpful to ensure we are charging appropriately for all the little extra's that go into a remodeling project