Cortese Construction Services

Our team focuses on home renovations and remodeling work. We are located in the Buffalo, NY area. Our team prides ourselves on quality work. Everything is done in-house as opposed to subcontracted out. Our overall mission is to provide timely and quality services to our clients.
Before using Clear Estimates, how would you estimate, what did you use?
We love using Clear Estimates as it makes our presentations easy. It also makes our accounting more complete. Before using Clear Estimates, we would create estimates using WinEst and Quickbooks.

What was your biggest estimating pain point before using Clear Estimates?
Our biggest pain point prior to Clear Estimates was the quality of printable reports. We now have a more clear solution to the problem using Clear Estimates.
After using Clear Estimates, have you been able to measure improvements in estimates produced or time saved?
When using Clear Estimates we focus on the templates. We have created many templates that have allowed to save time estimating. We have also found the quality of our estimates to be more accurate because of the database of parts and pricing.
What aspects of Clear Estimates make you most satisfied with your purchase?
We enjoy the clear and easy to understand reports.
“The quality of reports is much better with Clear Estimates”

When using Clear Estimates, what function do you find most useful?
We find the database the most useful aspect. Clear Estimates provides a database of parts and pricing to our local area.
What aspect of the remodeling process do you enjoy the most?
We love our customers! They are so excited to be doing a must anticipated remodel and we are happy to be able to provide the product and service! But who doesn’t love the end result and the smile on a happy customer’s face?

Walk us through an example estimate, explaining how Clear Estimates is used.
Our process typically begins with a meeting between us and the homeowner. During this time we gather information, understand needs and what is on the homeowner’s mind as far as results. We then prepare a CAD drawing as well as the estimate using Clear Estimates. The quality of Clear Estimates proposal presentation helps us close sales.
What does the Cortese team enjoy doing when not completing remodeling jobs?
We try to plan as many team building outings as time allows; last winter we threw Hatchets at a local place, called Hatchets and Hops. We also try to get our men involved with some community efforts wherever possible like Habitat for Humanity. The company also sponsors a recreational softball team, Dom, Phil and Nick all play!

Would you recommend Clear Estimates to a competitor or another contractor in the residential industry?
Yes! It has changed and improved our estimating process in a very positive way!

Domenic has a long standing Home Improvement radio show, HammertimeRadio on WBEN Saturday mornings at 10am that has been running for over 30 years. You can watch that here.
To view more of Cortese Construction Services great work, click here